Enjoy a romantic Valentine Without Caro

Enjoy a romantic Valentine Without Caro

Valentine's Day is often used as special moments instead of a normal day. Couples usually spend the night with live music or watch a romantic movie, dinner or a holiday together.

In order to express affection, some people are willing to pay more for gifts and surprises. Although there are many ways to spend the day of love without spending money.

According to Hotman Simbolon, vice president of Customer Care Center Head, Citi Indonesia, many of them think the wrong time to celebrate Valentine's Day.

"A lot of thought, funding rules can be forgotten for a time when Valentine's Day. But in truth, rather than" limited to matters that require large expenditures. Frugality does not mean you can not have fun with your partner " he said.

There are several ways to show affection to romantic without making a big financial parity to the pole.

1. Creative
The two do not have to pass the cost of expensive for dinner in restaurants or hotels. Cooking with which he could be dating a lot of fun, add a candle in the center of the table for more romantic.

2. Watch your favorite movie at home
You can rent your favorite DVD movies and watch them at home and snacks, the film will be owned by both.

3. Enjoy the view at night
On the night of St. Valentine, are mixed in the night sky along with snacks and chatted with each other can change simple activities to date are interesting.

4. Take advantage of promotional credit cards
Use your credit card transactions in places that offer this type of promotional offers Buy 1 Get 1 or other discounts.

Well, the above ideas can help you design the activities of a Valentine's Day are interesting and special. Of course there are many other activities you can do, the most important thing is to enjoy the moment with a loved one. Happy Valentine's Day!


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